Hi-five a recognized name in the IT industry with rich legacy of providing effective business solutions . We offers an entire range of Web application development services to customers marking their inevitable presence in
the World Wide Web.
Core PHP
Introduction to PHP
Evaluation of Php
Basic Syntax
Defining variable and constant
Php Data type
Operator and Expression
Handling Html Form With Php
Capturing Form Data
Dealing with Multi-value filed
Generating File uploaded form
Redirecting a form after submission
Decisions and loop
Making Decisions
Doing Repetitive task with looping
Mixing Decisions and looping with Html
What is a function
Define a function
Call by value and Call by reference
Recursive function
Creating and accessing String
Searching & Replacing String
Formatting String
String Related Library function
Anatomy of an Array
Creating index based and Associative array
Accessing array Element
Looping with Index based array
Looping with associative array using each() and foreach()